Cluttered v/s Clean And Smart Kitchen
Monday, December 10, 2018
It is said, "A clean home is a happy home". But does cleanliness actually affect your happiness? A clean organised home can do wonders for your psyche. Start with your kitchen. An organised room with designated space for storage and appliances is easy to work in and safe to cook in. Remove the exterior mess, and organise your appliances and kitchen area in the smartest, most-optimal way. Decluttering might sound like a very tall order, but it isn't. However, cleaning your kitchen is a daily process, and not a one-time project. If you ever feel like you just do not have the motivation to clean up today, close your eyes and imagine your kitchen completely cluttered and messy - it's not a good feeling, is it?
Most people are guilty of storing plastic takeout containers ‘just in case’. As long as you already have a set of containers for daily purposes, you really do not need all those extra plastic ones. Most of them will never be used again and just take up valuable space inside your storage cabinets.
A kitchen only looks cluttered when everything is visible on the counter. The best way to make your kitchen look neat and tidy is to keep all the storage out of sight. You do not need a 5lt oil can or 2kg rice container on the countertop. Mark a couple of drawers and cabinets purely for all the stuff that you do not need immediately.
Research shows that there are three spots in every kitchen that you use the most—sink, stove, and fridge. Be smart and make your kitchen easy to use by placing these three areas in a triangle so you can move easily between them. Sleek modular kitchen layouts are designed with this Work Triangle in mind so as to minimise traffic and simplify movement within the kitchen.
In most homes, the fridge door becomes the art junction, covered with magnets and to-buy lists. Unless you have a sentimental attachment to any of them, it is time to clear the fridge door. If you really want to display your travel magnets, consider making a magnetic photo frame that you can put up in the living room.
Even after clearing out the clutter, your kitchen may not look neat and tidy because your appliances are still crowding your countertop. When the oven takes up 3/4th of your counter, you are bound to feel a shortage of working space. The best thing to do is to have a reserved spot for appliances such as microwaves, mixer-grinders, etc. Sleek modular kitchens can be customised with built-in spaces for your appliances to create a polished, uncluttered look.
Organising your kitchen is not a tough task. You can also make it a fun process by using these 5 handy DIY tips to organise your kitchen. Keep all these simple tricks up your sleeve, and create a kitchen space that is smart and orderly.